
Economic Burden and Key Cost Drivers of Managing Hospitalized Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients Admitted with an Exacerbation in Türkiye: A Cost of Illness Study from Payer Perspective

Türkiye klinikleri akciğer arşivi/Türkiye klinikleri akciğer arşivi(2022)

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ABS TRACT Objective: To estimate the economic burden and key cost drivers of managing exacerbated and hospitalized chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients in Türkiye. Material and Methods: This cost of illness study was based on an estimation of per patient annual direct medical costs for the management of exacerbated and hospitalized COPD patients in Türkiye from a payer perspective. The average per patient direct medical cost was calculated based on cost items related to out- patient visits, diagnostic laboratory and radiological tests, hospitalizations and interventions, training and rehabilitation, drug treatment and equip- ment, drug-related adverse events, and co-morbidities/complications. Results: Based on average annual per patient costs calculated for outpatient admission ($88.5), laboratory and radiological tests ($68.6), hospitalizations and interventions/training/rehabilitation ($1,181.3), drug treat- ment/equipment ($1,088.0), co-morbidities/complications ($1,291.7) and drug related adverse events ($11.8) cost items, per patient annual direct medical cost related to the management of exacerbated and hospitalized COPD patients was calculated to be $3,729.9 from the payer perspective. Co-morbidities/complications (34.6%), hospitalizations/interventions (31.7%) and drug treatment/equipment (29.2%) were the key cost driver. Results: In conclusion, our findings indicate that managing exacerbated and hospitalized COPD patients pose a considerable burden to health eco- nomics in Türkiye, with co-morbidities and hospitalizations estimated as the main cost drivers. Our findings emphasize the need for cost-effective prevention strategies and the likelihood of potential cost-savings by timely recognition and proper management of co-morbidities and by better dis- ease control with reduced frequency of exacerbations and hospitalizations.
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