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New Cranial Remains of the Broad-Nosed Crocodile Elosuchus (pholidosauridae; Mesoeucocodrylia) and Its Palaeoecological Implications

Sara Parra,Albert Selles

Historical biology(2022)

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Sometimes Natural History Museums unknowingly treasure singular specimens in their collections for decades. The re-discovery of such elements allows the description of previously unknown features of well-known taxa. Here, we describe a nearly complete left premaxilla attributed to the pholidosaurid Elosuchus. Specimen IPS3303 shows some remarkable differences with previously known premaxillae of Elosuchus, especially concerning the relative position of the fifth premaxillary tooth and the premaxilla-maxilla sutural surface morphology. Because of the scarcity of current data, it is difficult to evaluate the significance of such differences. The described element is about 40% larger than the largest premaxilla of Elosuchus known so far, suggesting that this taxon could achieve remarkable body size proportions. The preliminary analyses of the dentition and the neurovascular system of the premaxilla provide new insight into the palaeoecology of this riverine crocodylomorph from the Cretaceous of Africa.
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Key words
Pholidosauridae,Elosuchus,palaeoecology,Cretaceous,Museum Collection
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