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Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Are the Largest Contributor to Polycyclic Aromatic Compound Concentrations in the Topsoil of Huaibei Coalfield, China.

International journal of environmental research and public health/International journal of environmental research and public health(2022)

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Alkyl polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (APAHs) are more toxic and persistent than their parent compounds. Here, the concentrations, composition profiles, and spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in 127 topsoil samples from Huaibei coalfield were analyzed. The PAC concentrations in different functional areas were significantly different: mining area > industrial area > residential area > agricultural area. APAHs were the major contributors to PACs, accounting for 71–83% of total PACs. Alkylnaphthalenes and alkylphenanthrenes were the primary APAH components, accounting for 83–87% of APAHs. Principal component analysis showed that petrogenic source, coal and biomass combustion, and vehicle emissions were the primary sources of PACs. By comparing the fingerprint information of soil, coal, and coal gangue, it was hypothesized that the petrogenic source of PAC pollution in typical mining areas and surrounding areas are coal particle scattering and coal gangue weathering. Some coal mining and industrial areas potentially pose risks to children, whereas others do not. There are limited evaluation criteria for alkyl PAHs; hence, the estimated risk is likely lower than the actual risk. In addition to the conventional 16 PAHs, it is critical to consider a broader range of PACs, especially APAHs.
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PACs,APAHs,topsoil,petrogenic source,carcinogenic risk,Huaibei coalfield
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