Using Bibliometrics to Analyze the State of Art of Pesticide Use in Vineyard Agrosystems: a Review.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research(2022)

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The production of wine dates to ancient civilization and has heavily influenced different landscapes around the globe. Nowadays, wine is still an important sector in terms of land use and income source in many countries, more specifically in the European Mediterranean region. However, to control pests and regulate wine growth, the extensive use of pesticides is common. The effects and persistence of agrochemicals in the environment is well known and defined in scientific literature as well as the environmental and human health risks of these compounds. The purpose of this review was to do a state of art of worldwide production of academic literature using bibliometric principles and analysis to identify thematic areas of this type of agriculture, and its challenges in a changing world. For this review, the focus is on current practices to see what may evolve for more sustainable viticulture. It was found that the three main producers of wine, i.e., Spain, France, and Italy, are also three top producers of scientific literature on this topic. The use of bibliometric methodologies defined the main thematic areas on this subject as follows: soil–plant transfer of agrochemicals, heavy metal accumulation in vineyard soils, management practices in viticulture, water pollution transport, effects of viticulture on the living part of soil, sustainable alternatives to pesticides. We found that Spain, France, and Italy work the most on developing sustainable alternatives for agricultural practices; however, sustainable alternatives and practices were also the least developed thematic in general.
Copper accumulation,Soil pollution,Sustainability,Transfer of pollutants,Viticulture
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