Transversely Slotted Leaky-Wave Antenna with Purer Linear Polarization

2022 IEEE 22nd Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON)(2022)

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The traditional transversely slotted leaky-wave antenna (LWA) is a traveling-wave antenna, producing linear-polarized wave and scanned beams in radiation. However, the purity of its linear polarization generally relies on symmetric structures to achieve cross-polarization field cancellation in the far-field region. This work proposes an LWA that maintains transverse slots for leakage and the same co-polarization, but meanwhile, its linear polarization has less dependence on physical symmetry. This guarantees a linear-polarized wave with low cross-polarization in radiation and thus enhances the tolerance in fabrication. The theoretical explanation is conducted, and the design is fabricated with measurement.
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Key words
beam scanning,cross-polarization,high-order mode,leaky-wave antenna (LWA),linear polarization
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