Perceptions and Justifications of Environmental Impacts of Second Home Use: A Norwegian Study

Environment, Space, Place(2022)

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This paper examines how second home users perceive their own and aggregate impacts on the environment, while also exploring the justifications they give for such impacts. We combine findings from two Norwegian studies. We find that second home users tend to perceive their own use as less environmentally detrimental than the average use. Positive perceptions about own impacts can partially be explained by the standard of second homes and number of years with access to it. Negative perceptions of aggregate impacts can likewise partially be explained by standard and years with access. Interviewees often justify impacts by relating to popular arguments presented in media and literature. Taking point of departure in a second home perspective, these findings are new to research, but support previous research from tourism studies. Our findings highlight the importance of narratives surrounding second home use and their ability to affect peoples’ perceptions about the environmental friendliness of second homes.
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second home use,environmental impacts,norwegian study
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