A comparative morphometric analysis of operative windows for performing OLIF among normal and deformity group in lower lumbar spine

Spine deformity(2022)

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To assess the radiological morphometric parameters of OLIF surgical technique in lower lumbar spine among normal and in patients with adult degenerative spine (levoscoliosis and dextroscoliosis). Standing AP radiographs and MRI in supine position were taken. Patients were divided into 3 groups based on Cobbs’ angle into normal, levo and dextro scoliosis. Moros classification was used to calculate bare window (BW), vascular window (VW), Psoas window (PW), psoas major height (pmh) and width (pmw) at lower lumbar levels and measurements were done on PACS. Seventy five patients (25 in each group) were assessed. BW has trend from L2-L3 > L3-L4 > L4-L5 in dextro and levoscoliosis. PW has trend from L3-L4 > L2-L3 > L4-L5 in levoscoliosis and normal group. VW has trend from L4-L5 > L3-L4 > L2-L3 in dextro and levoscoliosis; pmw has trend from L4-L5 > L3-L4 > L2-L3 in Levo and dextroscoliosis; pmh has trend from L4-L5 > L3-L4 > L2-L3 in levoscoliosis and normal group. BW was noted to be highest at L3-4, lowest at L4-5 in normal group. VW was constant, BW showed a reverse trend with PW across all the levels. Though levoscoliosis group of patients had significantly higher BW, psoas retraction issues are to be kept in mind in view of anatomically taught psoas.
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Adult degenerative scoliosis,Morros classification,OLIF window,Psoas major height,Psoas major width
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