
Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Carnivorous Waterbird Species from Lake Ziway, Ethiopia

SN applied sciences/SN Applied Sciences(2022)

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Abstract Agricultural, vector-control and industrial activities around Lake Hawassa pose a risk of organochlorine contamination of the lake biota. To assess organochlorine contamination, we measured levels of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in 3 species of carnivorous waterbird and 3 species of fish. A total of 50 samples of fish and bird species sampled from Lake Hawassa in 2019. We investigated factors influencing accumulation of OCPs and PCBs. Reproductive risk associated with tissue levels of 4,4’-dichloro-diphenyl-dichloro-ethylene ( p,p’- DDE) is also estimated. Results show that dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) is the dominant contaminant found in both bird and fish species. p,p’- DDE is the dominant DDT metabolite in both bird and fish species. Geometric mean of p,p’- DDE varied from 49.8–375.3 and 2.2–7.7 ng g −1 ww in birds and fish, respectively. Average p,p’- DDE level in birds is 33.3 times higher than in fish. p,p’- DDE constitutes 93.4–95.2% of total DDTs in bird species. Degree of exposure, chemical stability, and resistance to environmental and biological degradation could explain higher levels of p,p’- DDE both in bird and fish species. There is significant variation in p,p’- DDE levels among bird and fish species owing to differences in feeding habits, foraging habitat, and lipid content. An increase in DDT levels with increasing size is observed in both bird and fish species. A significant positive association between log-transformed p,p’- DDE, and stable nitrogen isotope ratio (δ 15 N) values is found. There is no reproductive health risk in bird species as a result of the current levels of p,p’- DDE. Article Highlights DDT is the dominant contaminant found in both bird and fish species There is interspecies variation in accumulation of p,p’ -DDE among fish and bird species p,p’ -DDE is biomagnified through food chain involving both bird and fish species
Biomagnification,Carnivorous waterbird,Fish,Organochlorine pesticide,PCB,Lake Hawassa
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