
Machine Learning-Assisted Upscaling Analysis of Reservoir Rock Core Properties Based on Micro-Computed Tomography Imagery

Journal of petroleum science & engineering(2022)

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Optimum solutions for geologic modeling and reservoir simulation in industries such as oil and gas recovery and carbon capture and storage require accurate characterization of reservoir properties, which are often hetero-geneous. In this study, high-quality micro-computed tomography (CT) images (1.475-mu m/pixel resolution) of a sandstone core acquired from the Bell Creek oil field, USA, were used to provide nondestructive analysis of pore -and core-scale heterogeneity across measurement scales of 94-566 mu m. In addition to characterizing the as -received sample, the core sample was flooded with brine to evaluate the capacity of the core sample to receive injected fluids. The micro-CT images were systematically segmented into pore spaces and grains via machine learning (ML) steps including image preprocessing, label creation using a traditional ML method based on limited manual image annotation, and finally U-Net segmentation. The segmented image stacks were reconstructed into digital cubes of various scales of voxel lengths. The 3D porosity values were calculated for all the digital cubes, and the fractal dimensions of the cubes were estimated using a box-counting method. The results showed that smaller cubes had greater heterogeneity and that the porosity values could be accurately estimated by fractal dimension and voxel lengths using ML models. For the core sample with brine flooding, the ratio of pores filled by brine to the total pore space was related to the porosity and could also be accurately estimated by porosity, fractal dimension, and voxel lengths using ML models. The results of this study demon-strate that the concept of fractal dimension can be a useful vector to perform upscaling analysis of sandstone rock heterogeneity from the pore to core scale and that fractal dimensions can be used to estimate porosity values and pore space-filling capacity across those scales.
Heterogeneity,Upscaling,U -net segmentation,Fractal dimension,Storage capacity
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