Parkinson’s disease-associated, sex-specific changes in DNA methylation at PARK7 (DJ-1), SLC17A6 (VGLUT2), PTPRN2 (IA-2β), and NR4A2 (NURR1) in cortical neurons

NPJ Parkinson's disease(2022)

Cited 8|Views6
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Evidence for epigenetic regulation playing a role in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is growing, particularly for DNA methylation. Approximately 90% of PD cases are due to a complex interaction between age, genes, and environmental factors, and epigenetic marks are thought to mediate the relationship between aging, genetics, the environment, and disease risk. To date, there are a small number of published genome-wide studies of DNA methylation in PD, but none accounted for cell type or sex in their analyses. Given the heterogeneity of bulk brain tissue samples and known sex differences in PD risk, progression, and severity, these are critical variables to account for. In this genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in an enriched neuronal population from PD postmortem parietal cortex, we report sex-specific PD-associated methylation changes in PARK7 (DJ-1), SLC17A6 (VGLUT2), PTPRN2 (IA-2β), NR4A2 (NURR1), and other genes involved in developmental pathways, neurotransmitter packaging and release, and axon and neuron projection guidance.
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Epigenetics analysis,Parkinson's disease,Biomedicine,general,Neurosciences,Neurology
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