Syndecan-4 Proteoliposomes Enhance Revascularization in a Rabbit Hind Limb Ischemia Model of Peripheral Ischemia

Acta Biomaterialia(2023)

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Regenerative therapeutics for treating peripheral arterial disease are an appealing strategy for creating more durable solutions for limb ischemia. In this work, we performed preclinical testing of an injectable formulation of syndecan-4 proteoliposomes combined with growth factors as treatment for peripheral ischemia delivered in an alginate hydrogel. We tested this therapy in an advanced model of hindlimb is-chemia in rabbits with diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Our studies demonstrate enhancement in vascularity and new blood vessel growth with treatment with syndecan-4 proteoliposomes in combination with FGF-2 or FGF-2/PDGF-BB. The effects of the treatments were particularly effective in enhancing vascularity in the lower limb with a 2-4 increase in blood vessels in the treatment group in comparison to the control group. In addition, we demonstrate that the syndecan-4 proteoliposomes have stability for at least 28 days when stored at 4 & DEG;C to allow transport and use in the hospital environment. In addition, we per-formed toxicity studies in the mice and found no toxic effects even when injected at high concentration. Overall, our studies support that syndecan-4 proteoliposomes markedly enhance the therapeutic poten-tial of growth factors in the context of disease and may be promising therapeutics for inducing vascular regeneration in peripheral ischemia. Statement of significance Peripheral ischemia is a common condition in which there is a lack of blood flow to the lower limbs. This condition can lead to pain while walking and, in severe cases, critical limb ischemia and limb loss. In this study, we demonstrate the safety and efficacy of a novel injectable therapy for enhancing revas-cularization in peripheral ischemia using an advanced large animal model of peripheral vascular disease using rabbits with hyperlipidemia and diabetes. & COPY; 2023 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Peripheral vascular disease,Peripheral ischemia,Intermittent claudication,Critical limb ischemia,Therapeutic angiogenesis,Revascularization,Fibroblast growth factor-2,Platelet derived growth factor-BB,Alginate,Syndecan-4 proteoliposomes
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