Fusion-negative Rhabdomyosarcoma 3D-organoids as an innovative model to predict resistance to cell death inducers
Clara Savary,Paul Huchedé,Léa Luciana, Arthur Tourbez, Clémence Deligne,Cécile Picard,Thomas Diot, Claire Coquet, Nina Meynard,Marion Le Grand,Laurie Tonon,Nicolas Gadot,Cyril Degletagne,Sophie Léon,Valéry Attignon,Alexandra Bomane,Isabelle Rochet,Kevin Müller,Virginie Mournetas,Christophe Bergeron, Paul Rinaudo,Aurélie Dutour,Martine Cordier-Bussat,Frédérique Dijoud,Nadège Corradini,Delphine Maucort-Boulch,Eddy Pasquier,Jean-Yves Blay,Marie Castets,Laura Broutier biorxiv(2022)
Key words
cell death inducers,fusion-negative,d-organoids
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