Reliability Assessment of the Integrated Energy System Considering Gas-Thermal Inertia


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The electrical-thermal coupling integrated energy system (IES) has multi-timescale characteristics, and the gas-thermal slow dynamic characteristics of the IES contain rich flexibilities. The state of the gas-thermal system changes relatively with a time delay when the external conditions change, which can provide power support for the system over a certain timescale. Based on the gas-thermal inertia power support capability, a reliability assessment method of the IES considering gas-thermal inertia is proposed. According to research, the reliability assessment of the IES based on gas-thermal inertia can reduce the size and frequency of load shedding, alleviate the system operation risk caused by heavy load, reduce the system operation cost, and improve the system long-term operation reliability and economy. The greater the importance assessment index of energy conversion equipment, the greater its impact on system reliability, which is the weak node that should be focused on and protected.
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gas-thermal inertia, integrated energy system, load shedding, power support, reliability assessment
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