
Application of Organogel‐like Structured System As an Alternative for Reducing Saturated Fatty Acid and Replacing Fat in Milk Ice Cream

Paulo Henrique da Silva Santos,Suzana Caetano da Silva Lannes

Journal of food processing and preservation(2022)

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This work aimed to produce a healthier milk ice cream premium formulation ("gelato"), preserving the structural and indulgence characteristics by replacing the milk fat cream with structured colloidal systems. The highest overrun values were observed in formulations produced with 50% fat reduction followed by a reduction of 100% and the control with less air incorporation. The 100% fat replacement by organogel formulation demonstrated the most prominent melt resistance and higher protein content. The rheological tests showed that the formulation with total fat reduction presented the biggest differences with better structuring. The complete substitution of fat with organogel makes the ice cream whiter. Applying organogel systems to premium ice cream (gelato), the total replacement of the milk fat was a successful approach to obtaining nutritious and low-saturated fat products with added phytosterols and collagen for people who wish to improve the nutritional standard related to ice cream intake. Practical applications In order to serve today's consumers, the search for products with a lower-fat content made industries and researchers look for ingredients to replace them. The technology for structuring vegetable oils using structuring agents or processes, such as organogels and oleogels, has been meeting this demand with differentiated methodologies and ingredients, such as waxes, hard fats, lecithin, phytosterols, mono and diacylglycerols, or biopolymers (proteins and polysaccharides) and emulsifiers, being the case of this research.
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