
EP41.04: Abnormal Digestive Images: Sonographic Aspects and Diagnoses

Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology(2022)

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Clinical case 1: Mrs HT aged 23, GIPO, unmonitored pregnancy consults at 22 weeks of gestation. Ultrasound showed a hernia of the left diaphragmatic dome; there were No associated malformations. Fetal MRI confirmed the diagnosis. The karyotype is normal. The patient had a regular ultrasound follow-up without particularity. Antenatal corticosteroid therapy at 33 SA was instituted. The delivery was scheduled at 37 Weeks by Caesarean section in the presence of a multidisciplinary team (Obstetrician, neonatologist, resuscitator and pediatric surgeon). The newborn male was operated on at day 3 of life. Clinical case 2: Mrs MH, 24 years old, without medical history, well-monitored pregnancy, low risk of chromosomal aberrations. ultrasound at 22 Weeks showed obvious lower digestive tract dilatation (below the stomach). A fetal MRI was performed showing the same findings with a rectal content in hypersignal in T2 evoking a congenital Hirshprung's disease. The delivery took place at 34 Weeks by Caesarean section for fetal distress. The newborn was operated on at day2 of life (colonic and lower ileal resection with discharging colostomy). anapath examination confirmed congenital Hirshprung's disease. Clinical case 3: Mrs. AM, 32 years old, without medical history, had an ultrasound at 12weeks of gestation showing: fine nuchal translucency, normal serologists. Morphological ultrasound showed a well-demarcated cystic image, in the right hypochondrium, located in the subhepatic region in front of the right kidney, with no other associated abnormality. Its location, close to the portal vein and close relationship with the hepatic artery were suggestive of a bile duct cyst. Fetal MRI: cystic formation of 33 mm intraperitoneal, which is located at the level of the right hypochondrium in the region under the liver and which presents a close contact with the hepatic hilum. The diagnosis was confirmed postnatally by ultrasound.
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