Spectral characterization of cell surface motion for mechanistic investigations of cellular mechanobiology

Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology(2022)

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Understanding the specific mechanisms responsible for anabolic and catabolic responses to static or dynamic force are largely poorly understood. Because of this, most research groups studying mechanotransduction due to dynamic forces employ an empirical approach in deciding what frequencies to apply during experiments. While this has been shown to elucidate valuable information regarding how cells respond under controlled provocation, it is often difficult or impossible to determine a true optimal frequency for force application, as many intracellular complexes are involved in receiving, propagating, and responding to a given stimulus. Here we present a novel adaptation of an analytical technique from the fields of civil and mechanical engineering that may open the door to direct measurement of mechanobiological cellular frequencies which could be used to target specific cell signaling pathways leveraging synergy between outside-in and inside-out mechanotransduction approaches. This information could be useful in identifying how specific proteins are involved in the homeostatic balance, or disruption thereof, of cells and tissue, furthering the understanding of the pathogenesis and progression of many diseases across a wide variety of cell types, which may one day lead to the development of novel mechanobiological therapies for clinical use.
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