Research on the General Failure Law of a CTRC Column by Modeling FEM Output Data


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In this paper, a finite element model (FEM) is developed based on a set of circular steel tube reinforced concrete (CTRC) columns with axial compression and eccentric compression tests. The stressing state characteristics of the FEM are modeled in the form of characteristic pairs (mode-characteristic parameters) based on the structural stressing state theory and the proposed correlation modeling method. The slope increasing criterion is applied to the correlation characteristic parameter curve to obtain the characteristic point Q where the CTRC stressing state undergoes a qualitative change, and the characteristic point Q is defined as the new failure load point of the CTRC column. By selecting the element strain energy density at different locations of the FEM for correlation stressing state modeling and dividing the correlation stressing state sub-modes (concrete, steel tube, vertical reinforcement, and stirrup reinforcement), the structural stressing state theory and the rationality of the proposed correlation stressing state modeling method are verified. In addition, the certainty and reasonableness of the failure load points of the CTRC columns are revealed and verified.
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CTRC column, finite element model, eccentric loading, correlation method, stressing state pair, mutation, law
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