A Complete in-Laboratory Characterization of 3D Trench-Type Silicon Pixel Sensors

2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC)(2021)

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Next generation of experiments at the future high luminosity particle colliders will require innovative detectors to correctly reconstruct the many interactions occurring at each bunch crossing. The LHC experiments have shown that the addition of track timing measurements with an accuracy of the order of tens of picoseconds per track will restore tracking and vertexing capabilities at today levels. In the last three years the TimeSPOT collaboration has been developing 3D trench-based silicon pixel sensors with a time resolution better than 20 ps for minimum ionizing particles. Many of the sensors designed have been tested in laboratory, both with a laser-based setup, able to precisely measure the sensor response throughout its active area, and with radioactive sources, emulating a beam test setup in the more controlled laboratory environment. In this contribution we will show that the 3D trench-based pixel design allows to reach time resolutions better than 20 ps, in contrast to what can be obtained with more traditional 3D columnar designs. A preliminary comparison between 3D trench-based silicon sensors with a different pitch size is presented.
in-laboratory characterization,trench-type silicon pixel sensors,bunch crossing,LHC experiments,track timing measurements,TimeSPOT collaboration,3D trench-based silicon pixel sensors,ionizing particles,laser-based setup,sensor response,beam test setup,3D trench-based pixel design,time resolutions,trench-based silicon sensors,3D columnar designs,high-luminosity particle colliders
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