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Virtual Radiology Fellowship Recruitment: Benefits, Limitations, and Future Directions.

Academic radiology(2023)

Cited 3|Views11
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The coronavirus pandemic forced radiology fellow-ships to shift to virtual interviews, a practice that con-tinues for the 2022 application season. There are multiple publications pertaining to virtual radiology residency recruitment, but perspectives on the parallel process for fel-lowships are lacking even though this affects the vast majority of United States (US) radiology residents (1-24). In this com-mentary, we highlight some benefits, challenges, and solu-tions related to virtual radiology fellowship recruitment in order to stimulate discussion and planning for future cycles. The following discussion is not intended to be an authorita-tive guide, but rather a means to spur discussion on the pros and cons of virtual recruitment, with the aim to enhance the process for both applicants and programs.
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Virtual recruitment,interview,radiology,fellowship
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