Clinicopathological Characteristics of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer patients in the United Arab Emirates and Correlation with Their Outcomes

F. Azribi, A. Yousif,J. Ansari, E. Dawoud, D. Trad,K. Al Qawasmeh, A. Al-Awadhi,L. Kurban, M. Hourani,M. Ahmed, O. El-Koha, S. Magdub, A. Elkkari, M. Al Baloushi, E. Black, N. Bennini, K. Balaraj, A. Gargoum

Journal of Thoracic Oncology(2022)

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Lung cancer is relatively uncommon in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) compared to the rest of the world, ranking the 6th most common cancer. Nevertheless, it is the 2nd leading cause of cancer-related mortality. The main objective of this study was to determine the clinicopathological characteristics of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) patients treated at the largest cancer centre in the UAE and correlate these characteristics with their outcome.
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NSCLC, UAE, Tawam Hospital
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