Achieving ultra-stable and superior electricity generation by integrating transistor-like design with lubricant armor

The Innovation(2022)

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Extensive work have been done to harvest untapped water energy in formats of raindrops, flows, waves, and others. However, attaining stable and efficient electricity generation from these low-frequency water kinetic energies at both individual device and large-scale system level remains challenging, partially owing to the difficulty in designing a unit that possesses stable liquid and charge transfer properties, and also can be seamlessly integrated to achieve preferential collective performances without the introduction of tortuous wir-ing and redundant node connection with external circuit. Here, we report the design of water electricity generators featuring the combination of lubricant layer and transistor-like electrode architecture that endows enhanced electri-cal performances in different working environments. Such a design is scal-able in manufacturing and suitable for facile integration, characterized by sig-nificant reduction in the numbers of wiring and nodes and elimination of complex interfacing problems, and represents a significant step toward large-scale, real-life applications.
lubricant armor,superior electricity generation,ultra-stable,transistor-like
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