Full-field electroretinography examinations of the human eye with the eye diagnostic device PEP-2000 – First results

Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering(2022)

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Abstract Full-field electroretinography (full-field ERG) forms the diagnostic basis for numerous pathologies of the eye. For this reason, fast and accurate diagnostics in the field of ophthalmology are essential. Two examination techniques, full-field ERG and pupillometry were combined in a diagnostic device developed by ICM e.V. to reduce the examination process for both examiners and patients. In this paper, the device is examined for the quality of the full-field ERG measurements. A feasibility study with 12 healthy subjects (3 f, 9 m, 36.33 ± 11.94 years) was conducted to evaluate the device. The results showed that the peak times for both light- and dark-adapted measurements were within the range of the researched literature values. However, the amplitudes were markedly lower in both measurements compared to the averaged literature values (dark-adapted about 8.5-fold and light-adapted about 5.5-fold) and are clearly outside the range of values researched. The main reason for this is the use of cup electrodes, which were placed on the skin of the lower eyelid. Nevertheless, plausible and comparable analysis values could be obtained with the eye diagnostic device PEP-2000. Further studies with wire electrodes will be performed.
full-field electroretinography,ophthalmology,human eye,analysis methods,cup electrode
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