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Mortality in a Multiethnic Population Attending a One-Stop TIA Clinic


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Introduction: Studies indicate a 13-27% mortality rate following a transient ischaemic attack (TIA). However, outcomes following TIA/minor stroke since the introduction of rapid-access TIA clinics and prompt vascular risk factor intervention are not known. Specifically, there is paucity of data comparing outcomes between people who are diagnosed with an "acute cerebrovascular" (CV) event or an alternative non-cardiovascular diagnosis (non-CV) in a rapid-access TIA clinic. We aimed to assess the mortality in such a setting. Methods: A retrospective observational study was undertaken at the Leicester rapid-access secondary care TIA clinic. Data included information collected at the first clinic visit (including comorbidities, and primary diagnosis, categorized as CV and non-CV) and the date of death for people dying during follow-up. Results: 11,524 subjects were included with 33,164 years of follow-up data; 4,746 (41.2%) received a CV diagnosis. The median follow-up time was 2.75 years (interquartile range 1.36-4.32). The crude mortality rate was 37.3 (95% CI: 35.3-39.5) per 1,000 person-years (PTPY). The mortality rate was higher following a CV diagnosis (50.8 [47.2-54.7] PTPY) compared to a non-CV diagnosis (27.9 [25.7-30.4] PTPY), and for males, older people, those of white ethnicity, and people with orthostatic hypotension (OH). Discussion: This study identified possible risk factors associated with a higher mortality in TIA clinic attendees, who may benefit from specific intervention. Future research should explore the underlying causes and the effect of specific targeted management strategies.
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Mortality,Blood pressure,Stroke,Secondary prevention,Transient ischaemic attack
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