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Tuberculose No Paraná: Uma Análise Da Série Histórica Alicerçada Na Epidemiologia Descritiva

Espaço para a Saúde/Espaco para a Saúde(2022)

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The objective of this study was to analyze the reported cases of tuberculosis in Paraná, based on a historical series determined for the period from 2010 to 2019, on descriptive epidemiology basis. This is a descriptive observational epidemiological study of the survey type, with data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System. It resulted in the analysis of 25,893 cases, with endemic, non-cyclical or seasonal characteristics, with prevalence in the Health Area of Paranaguá, among male, black and indigenous adults, with low education, and associated with risk of alcoholism and smoking. Reports of new cases predominated, followed by recurrence of pulmonary tuberculosis. The cure prevailed, followed by treatment abandonment. As it is a secular disease in Brazil, with multifactorial etiology, investments not only for access to health but also in intersectoral actions, within the scope of social justice, mainly linked to education, food, income, and housing are required.
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