Stopping Force Analysis of 235U Elemental Fission Product Yields for E = 0.11–92.4 MeV

Nuclear data sheets(2022)

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Most evaluated elemental fission product yield distributions are not experimentally measured. Instead, the majority of evaluated distributions are based on analytic expressions of the Zp-model for relevant cumulative yields. Here we report independent elemental fission product yield distributions of a 235U target for incident neutron energies ranging from 0.11 MeV through 92.4 MeV. Atomic numbers are calculated by an approach that combines a 2E analysis with a stopping force analysis method, developed within this paper. These analyses are applied to more than 6.1 × 106 fission fragment ionization tracks captured within the NIFFTE (Neutron Induced Fission Fragment Tracking Experiment) collaboration fission time projection chamber (fissionTPC). A 3-Z resolution was obtained with the fissionTPC spatial and energy resolutions. Tabulated results are presented for the atomic yield and experimentally derived Zp values as a function of pre-neutron-emission fragment masses for the complete range of incident neutron energies. The stopping-force-derived Zp values tend to support the unchanged charge distribution theory within uncertainty.
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