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Lean Six Sigma Methodologies to Reduce the Cardiac Troponin Turnaround Time in the Core Laboratory.

Niketa M. Vasani,Biren D. Patel, Brian J. Stanford


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OBJECTIVE:Measurement of cardiac biomarker troponin T plays a vital role in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. A quick turnaround time (TAT) for cardiac troponin T is crucial in managing patients in the emergency department and critical care unit. The goal of the study was to implement Lean Six Sigma methods to improve stat troponin T TAT compliance rate (the time specimen received in the laboratory to the reporting of results through the laboratory information system [LIS]) from 86% to 95% in an 8-month period.METHODS:We conducted a quality and process improvement project to reduce stat troponin T TAT in the core laboratory. We used a 5-stage Six Sigma methodology to simplify the laboratory work process and decrease the TAT by eliminating non-value-added steps. Data from April 2021 (baseline) and January 2022 (improved) are included in the analysis.RESULTS:In the core laboratory, we improved the TAT for the preanalytical and analytical process by eliminating the batch processing and prioritizing the stat samples. We improved the TAT for the postanalytical process by replacing manual result verification with auto result verification via an LIS. Improved stat troponin T TAT compliance rate has the potential to enhance the overall quality of patient care, especially in the emergency and critical care departments.CONCLUSION:Using Lean Six Sigma methodologies in the core laboratory, we successfully improved the stat troponin T TAT compliance rate from 86% to 95% in an 8-month period.
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