
Maternal factors for requesting planned caesarean section in western Rajasthan

The New Indian Journal of OBGYN(2022)

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Background: Pregnant women who request a caesarean section in the absence of obstetric indication are increasing in number. Objectives: The objective of this study is to analyse the responsible factor for maternal requests for a planned or elective caesarean section in western Rajasthan. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional qualitative study was conducted with semi-structured proforma, in-depth interviews with women delivered by caesarean section. A total number of 100 patients who underwent caesarean section were taken, and 100 patients of vaginal delivery were included in the study for demographic comparison. Data were analysed with statistical software. Results: In our study, out of 100 patients who underwent caesarean delivery, 38% patients had a history of previous caesarean section, 18 % choose caesarean section due to past traumatic or negative experiences, 14 % due to safety issues of the child, 13 % choose caesarean section due to fear and pain of labour, 9 % due to religious belief, 5% due to family advice and peer pressor and 3% wanted a simultaneous tubectomy. Conclusion: Previous caesarean section with the refusal of vaginal birth after a caesarean section was the most common cause of elective caesarean section. There are various rationales and life experiences behind a maternal request for a caesarean section needing carefully targeted attention and health care. A previous traumatic birth experience and pain also prompted a caesarean to avoid a repetition of the trauma.
caesarean delivery,vaginal delivery,maternal request,c section
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