Progress in the development of a KITWPA for the DARTWARS project
M. Borghesi,C. Barone,S. Capelli,G. Carapella,A. P. Caricato,I. Carusotto,A. Cian,D. Di Gioacchino,E. Enrico,P. Falferi,L. Fasolo,M. Faverzani,E. Ferri,G. Filatrella,C. Gatti,A. Giachero,D. Giubertoni,V. Granata,A. Greco,C. Guarcello,D. Labranca,A. Leo, C. Ligi,G. Maccarrone,F. Mantegazzini,B. Margesin,G. Maruccio,C. Mauro,R. Mezzena,A. G. Monteduro,A. Nucciotti,L. Oberto,L. Origo,S. Pagano, V. Pierro,L. Piersanti,M. Rajteri,A. Rettaroli,S. Rizzato,A. Vinante,M. Zannoni Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2023)
Parametric amplifier,KITWPA,Readout,Superconducting circuits
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