
Liquid-crystalline, Liquid-Ordered, Rippled and Gel Lipid Bilayer Phases As Observed with Nile Red Fluorescence

Journal of molecular liquids(2022)

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The basic matrix of cellular membranes consists of a double layer (bilayer) of phospholipids. Semisynthetic lipid bilayers are commonly used in biophysical studies of membranes. According to tem-perature and composition, lipid bilayers can exist in liquid-crystalline (or liquid-disordered), liquid -ordered, rippled, and gel phases. In the present study, the hydrophobic, solvatochromic molecule Nile red has been used as a fluorescent probe to examine the physical state of bilayers of different composi-tions in the 15-60 degrees C range. Phospholipids with saturated or unsaturated acyl chains, in the presence or absence of cholesterol have been studied. Nile red shows absorption maxima at 520-550 nm and emis-sion maxima at 580-640 nm, single photon excitation not being damaging to the system. A red/orange intensity ratio (ROIR) index has been used to normalize the results. ROIR varies clearly and reproducibly with the lipid phase, increasing in the order: liquid-ordered < gel < rippled < liquid-crystalline. It increases with temperature and decreases with cholesterol contents in the bilayers. Nile red allows an unusually clear observation of the rippled-to-liquid crystalline phase transition in saturated phospho-lipids. FLIM studies with Nile red also show differences between lamellar phases. Rotational relaxation times have been determined for Nile red in liquid-disordered (0.72 +/- 0.010 ns), gel (1.16 +/- 0.070 ns), and liquid-ordered (1.79 +/- 0.14 ns) phases, the large value of the liquid-ordered phase being an indication of the sterol hindering probe tumbling in the hydrophobic matrix.(c) 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Lipid bilayer phases,Nile red,Phospholipid rippled phases,FLIM,Fluorescence
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