
Modular Incinerator with Pre-Treatment Plant for Municipal Solid Waste Treatment in the Super-Priority Tourism Destination of Labuan Bajo Indonesia

IOP conference series Earth and environmental science(2022)

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One of the competitiveness parameters of tourist destinations is the cleanliness index. Labuan Bajo as a super-priority tourist destination has a very serious municipal solid waste (MSW) problem. Waste generation in Labuan Bajo and Komodo National Park in 2020 reached 14.06 tons/day and is projected to be 15.51 tons/day in 2023. The main sources of MSW come from settlements, hotels, traditional markets, and seaports. The current MSW management system is that waste is collected from the source and then transported to a temporary storage tank to be transported by truck to the Warloka landfill. This system poses a threat in the form of shortening the service life of the landfill. Management through recycling is still a very low percentage because the recycling ecosystem has not yet developed. One alternative for MSW management that is currently being carried out by the central government in Labuan Bajo is to implement a modular incinerator. This paper describes the process of designing and operating a test incinerator with a combustion capacity of 20 tons/day consisting of 2 lines each with a capacity of 10 tons/day. The incinerator is equipped with a pre-treatment plant consisting of a sorting conveyor, thermal dryer, and storage conveyor. The incinerator furnace consists of two chambers and each is equipped with a burner. This furnace is designed to be able to burn waste with a calorific value of 1300 kcal/kg with a maximum moisture content (MC) of 60%. The test results show that the temperature in the primary chamber can reach a minimum of 800°C and a maximum of 1000°C in the secondary chamber. The burning rate has obtained a maximum of 527 kg/h which means it has passed the initial design of 417 kg/h. To meet emission-quality standards, exhaust gas is processed through flue gas treatment consisting of a cyclone, quencher scrubber, and chimney. Emissions measured by CEMS include parameters of particulates, CO, SO2, and NOx, all of which are below the national emission-quality standards. The heat generated from partial combustion will be channeled to the thermal dryer to reduce MC so that it can reach 40%. The results of burning waste with this incinerator produce fly ash and bottom ash about 4% of the weight of the input waste.
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