
Optimising Profitability and Productivity of Pasture-Based Dairy Farms with Automatic Milking Systems.


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There is a large variability in profitability and productivity between farms operating with automatic milk-ing systems (AMS). The objectives of this study were to identify the physical factors associated with prof-itability and productivity of pasture-based AMS and quantify how changes in these factors would affect farm productivity. We utilised two different datasets collected between 2015 and 2019 with information from commercial pasture-based AMS farms. One contained annual physical and economic data from 14 AMS farms located in the main Australian dairy regions; the other contained monthly, detailed robot -system performance data from 23 AMS farms located across Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and Chile. We used linear mixed models to identify the physical factors associated with different profitability (Model 1) and partial productivity measures (Model 2). Additionally, we conducted a Monte Carlo simu-lation to evaluate how changes in the physical factors would affect productivity. Our results from Model 1 showed that the two main factors associated with profitability in pasture-based AMS were milk har-vested/robot (MH; kg milk/robot per day) and total labour on-farm (full-time equivalent). On average, Model 1 explained 69% of the variance in profitability. In turn, Model 2 showed that the main factors associated with MH were cows/robot, milk flow, milking frequency, milking time, and days in milk. Model 2 explained 90% of the variance in MH. The Monte Carlo simulation showed that if pasture -based AMS farms manage to increase the number of cows/robot from 54 (current average) to ti 70 (the average of the 25% highest performing farms), the probability of achieving high MH, and therefore profitability, would increase from 23% to 63%. This could make AMS more attractive for pasture-based systems and increase the rate of adoption of the technology.(c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Animal Consortium. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Business analysis,Digital agriculture,Economics,Monte Carlo simulation,Robotic milking
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