
Modelling of Aerobic Granular Sludge Reactors: the Importance of Hydrodynamic Regimes, Selective Sludge Removal and Gradients

Water Science and Technology(2022)

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Hydraulic selection is a key feature of aerobic granular sludge (AGS) systems but existing aerobic granular sludge (AGS) models neglect those mechanisms: gradients over reactor height (Hreactor), selective removal of slow settling sludge, etc. This study aimed at evaluating to what extent integration of those additional processes into AGS models is needed, i.e., at demonstrating that model predictions (biomass inventory, microbial activities and effluent quality) are affected by such additional model complexity. We therefore developed a new AGS model that includes key features of full-scale AGS systems: fill-draw operation, selective sludge removal, distinct settling models for flocs/granules. We then compared predictions of our model to those of a fully mixed AGS model. Our results demonstrate that hydraulic selection can be predicted with an assembly of four continuous stirred tank reactors in series together with a correction code for plug-flow. Concentration gradients over the reactor height during settling/plug-flow feeding strongly impact the predictions of aerobic granular sludge models in terms of microbial selection, microbial activities and ultimately effluent quality. Hydraulic selection is a key to predict selection of storing microorganisms (phosphorus-accumulating organisms (PAO) and glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAO)) and in turn effluent quality in terms of total phosphorus, and for predicting effluent solid concentration and dynamic during plug-flow feeding.
aerobic granular sludge,gradients over reactor height,hydraulic selection,modelling,plug-flow feeding
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