
Ceramics from the Dwellings at the Neolithic Site Kairshak III in the Northern Caspian Region

Aleksandr Alekseevich Vybornov,Irina Nikolaevna Vasilyeva, Eleonora Mikhailovna Laktaeva, Igor Konstantinovich Frolov

Samarskij naučnyj vestnik(2022)

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The paper presents the results of ceramic inventory study at Kairshak III site in the northern Caspian region. The relevance of the research is defined by the role of the Neolithic of this region in the adjacent territories cultures. The pottery of the Kairshak type is one of the oldest in Eastern Europe. The analysis was carried out separately for each dwelling. The distribution of vessels across the cultural layers was compared. Its corollas and walls of different shapes were typologically identified. Special attention was paid to fragments of ceramics without ornament. Its features in various constructions were revealed. Ornament application techniques and their correlation were characterized. Ornamental compositions on different vessels in each object were compared. Its peculiar features were found. The reasons for the differences were interpreted. The presence of a time later than the main materials in the upper levels of the vessels was established. Technical and technological analysis of vessels from dwellings was carried out, and their features were revealed. According to radiocarbon dates, the chronological period of the functioning of each dwelling was determined. The absolute chronology of the human inhabitation on this monument was corrected. A different time of existence of the population in various complexes on this monument was confirmed. This makes it possible to reconstruct the appearance, development and final period of operation of Kairshak III site.
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