
Existence of Glacier Anomaly in the Interior and Northern Tibetan Plateau Between 2000 and 2012

Remote sensing(2022)

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There was sufficient evidence to indicate a nearly balanced glacier mass change (termed glacier anomaly) for Karakoram Mts. since the 1970s, in contrast to worldwide glacier mass losses caused by climate warming. Recently, this anomalous phenomenon was detected over the neighboring western Kunlun and Pamir Mts. However, the southeastern limit of this glacier anomaly remains uncertain, owing to the paucity of glacier mass balance observations across the interior and northern Tibetan Plateau (INTP). In this study, we presented a decadal glacier mass balance estimation in the INTP by differencing the SRTM DEM with the topographic data produced from TanDEM-X bistatic InSAR images. From 2000 to 2012, decade-average glacier mass balances of between −0.339 ± 0.040 and 0.237 ± 0.078 m w.e. yr−1 were detected over 22 glacierized areas. Significantly, we found a gradient and switch of glacier mass loss over the southeastern portion to glacier mass gain over the northwestern portion. This varying spatial pattern illustrates that glacier anomaly has existed over the northwestern or even central zone of the INTP since the early 21st century. This study provides important evidence for the model simulation of both glacier evolution and atmospheric circulations in investigating the prevailing mechanism of the regional anomalous phenomenon.
glacier anomaly,glacier mass balance,TanDEM-X bistatic InSAR,interior and northern Tibetan Plateau,High Mountain Asia
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