
Highlighting the Profile of Stereoscopic Acuity of School Children Aged 3 to 5 Years in Cameroon

E. Epée,V. A. Dohvoma, S. R. Ebana,G. Koki, M. P. Bege, T. C. Mvilongo, Z. E. Akono,C. Ebana Mvogo

Current Practice in Medical Science Vol. 8(2022)

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The present study establish the profile of the stereoscopic acuity of school children aged 3 to 5 years in the Yaounde 2 sub-division. The basic enhancement of the visual function is binocular vision. It has three degrees: stereoscopic vision, fusion vision, and spontaneous vision. Binocular vision's capacity to discern depths and landscapes is referred to as stereopsis. The present study used a cross-sectional and descriptive study on a probabilistic sampling at 4 levels in nursery schools. Far vision was measured using the Pigassou chart, and the stereoscopic vision was assessed by means of TNO stereo test. Study examined 365 children among whom 362 (99.2%) had a stereoscopic acuity. Out of the latter, 10.4% had an abnormal stereoscopic vision. The median values of the stereoscopic acuity were refined with the age. They varied from 120’’ at 3 years, to 60’’ at 4 and 5 years. The proportion of children having a stereoacuity \(\leq\)60’’ increased with the age; 32.3% at 3 years, 66.1% at 4 years, and 79.6% at 5 years.In comparison to the literature, the profile of stereoscopic acuity in Cameroonian children lacks any specificity. Between the ages of 3 and 5, the stereoacuity continues to be improved until it reaches adult threshold values. For the purpose of detecting childhood visual problems, this test is advised.
stereoscopic acuity,school children
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