
Design of the Coude Light Distribution for the European Solar Telescope

N. Feijoo Amoedo,C. Quintero Noda,J. Cozar-Castellano, J. Sanchez Capuchino, I Ferro Rodriguez, P. Sola La Serna,M. Nunez Cagigal,M. Barreto,S. Bonaque-Gonzalez, C. Ruiz de Galarreta, Roland Geyl, Ramon Navarro

Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V(2022)

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One of the main goals of the European Solar Telescope (EST), a 4.2-m telescope, is to clarify the roots of the magnetic processes taking place in the solar atmosphere. This goal has a top-level requirement: perform simultaneous spectropolarimetric measurements in multiple spectral lines. For this purpose, EST will be equipped with a set of instruments working simultaneously in diverse spectral ranges. In this regard, we are designing a Conde Light Distribution (CLD) responsible for delivering the incoming solar radiation to each instrument. The CLD is formed by a series of optical elements like dichroic and intensity beam splitters, flat mirrors, and optical compensators that will be interchangeable to offer the solar community maximum flexibility for performing observations. In developing the CLD, we are paying great attention to controlling aberration effects generated by the different elements that constitute the light distribution system. Also, we are defining the CLD to reach a balance between throughput, image quality, and a compact distribution of the instruments in the Conde room. Our aim is to describe in this contribution the current design of the CLD. The present design constitutes the basis of the CLD, with enough flexibility to improve it in the future, if indeed, and adapt it to the evolution of other sub-systems like the instruments, the adaptive optics, or the telescope structure to guarantee that it fulfils the science requirements.
coudé light distribution,solar
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