Calculation of the spin-lattice relaxation time and the activation energy near the IV-III phase transition in pyridinium fluorosulfonate (C5NH6)FSO3


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The spin-lattice relaxation time T-1(H) for protons nuclei is calculated in term of the pseudospin-phonon (PS) coupled and the energy fluctuation (EF) models close to the IV-III solid-solid phase transition of T-C = 235 K in (C5NH6)FSO3. This calculation was performed by associating the observed second moment of the H-1 as the order parameter below k and the disorder parameter above T-C. Values of the activation energy for the cation reorientation in this crystal are also deduced by using both models. In addition, the observed dielectric permittivity of this crystal is analyzed within the framework of the Landau theory and values of the spontaneous polarization (P-s) are determined as a function of temperature. The normalized values of P-s are used in the PS and EF models to extract the activation energy for the reorientation of the dipole moment of this compound arising from cation-anion interaction. Our results show that the PS and EF models can describe the observed behavior of the spin-lattice relaxation time adequately for the IV-III solid-solid transition in (C5NH6)FSO3.
Spin-lattice relaxation time, second moment, activation energy, (C5NH6)FSO3
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