
Le syndrome de Brooks : à propos de 15 cas colligés au service de médecine du travail et de pathologies professionnelles au CHU Farhat Hached de Sousse

Revue Française d'Allergologie(2022)

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Background. - Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome or Brook's syndrome is a distinct entity of non immunologic asthma with specific diagnostic criteria. The emergence of chemical irritants at workplace had short-, medium-and long-term repercussions on the respiratory system and negatives consequences on occupational life. Objectives. - To describe the socio-demographic, professional, clinical and paraclinical profile of patients with Brooks syndrome. Material and Methods. - We carried out a descriptive epidemiological study from January 2010 to December 2019 at the Department of Occupational Medicine in Farhat Hached Teaching Hospital-Tunisia including patients diagnosed with Brooks syndrome. Results. - A total of 15 patients was enrolled in the study with a mean age of 43.13 +/- 8 years. The average job tenure was 17.27 +/- 9 years. Healthcare sector and Textile and clothing industry were the most represented sectors. Agents incriminated in RADS were, detergents (dominated by chlorine found in bleach), solvents (paint and glue), pesticides, disinfectants (formaldehyde), strong acids. A major improvement in RADS symptoms within 3 months was noticed in 6 patients. A recurrence of symptoms after every exposure to irritant agent was notified in 13 patients. In most cases, spirometry showed an obstructive reversible syndrome. The non-specific methacholine bronchial provocation test was applied to only 2 patients. Only 4 patients needed to receive long-term treatment. Six cases of RADS were recorded as a work-related accident. Conclusion. - It is necessary to highlight the importance of early detection of inhalation injuries and identification of agents in cause in order to establish adequate preventives measures at workplace. (c) 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Asthme professionnel,Accident de travail,Pneumologie,Irritants,Produits chimiques
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