
Energy-absorbing Capacity of Natural Hybrid Fiber-Epoxy Composites under Impact Loading

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering(2022)

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The effect of fiber hybridization on the impact behavior of natural fiber reinforced composites has been investigated by testing the specimens under low velocity impact loading. Banana, jute, sisal fiber, and epoxy resin matrix are used to create the specimens. The impact test was carried out with the help of an Izod digital impact testing machine. The natural fiber and particle mixed epoxy composite specimens were also prepared for measuring the impact energy by employing cellulose-based particles such as ground nut shell powder and teak wood powder. The results of the tests demonstrate that the hybridization of jute, sisal and jute, sisal and banana fibers produces good impact energy and a high percentage of potential energy absorption capacity. Compared to the J-E, S-E composites, the jute/sisal fiber hybridization showed a 189.78% and 265.75% improvement in the impact energy, respectively. The hybridization of jute banana and sisal fiber reinforced epoxy composite showed an improvement in impact strength of 161.50%, 230.06%, and 104.91% over the J-E, B-E, and S-E composites, respectively. Infusion of ground nut shell powder had a favorable effect on sisal, banana, and jute fiber reinforced composites. The addition of teak wood powder reinforcement to sisal/banana and banana and jute increased the material's impact resistance. The finite element method is used to estimate the deformation, von-mises, normal, and shear stresses of the natural composites.
Impact loading,Natural fibers,Impact energy,Potential energy absorption
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