
Evaluating the Antimicrobial Use on Dairy Farms in Chiba Prefecture in Japan Using the Antimicrobial Treatment Incidence, an Indicator Based on Japanese Defined Daily Doses from 2014-2016

Journal of veterinary medical science(2022)

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The use of antimicrobial agents in food-producing animals may lead to the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria of animal origin. However, there is a paucity of data on the quantity of antimicrobials use on dairy farms in Japan. This study describes antimicrobial use on dairy farms from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016 in five administrative districts (central, eastern, western, southern and northern) of Chiba Prefecture. The use of antimicrobial agents in dairy cattle over these three years was evaluated in terms of the antimicrobial treatment incidence (ATI; theoretical number of animals per 1,000 animal-days subjected to antimicrobial treatment) using data collected from a total of 442 dairy farms in that prefecture. Our results revealed that the average ATI on these farms for these years ranged from 38.7 to 39.4 with no significant difference between years and that the average ATI for these administrative districts varied between 32.9 and 43.2 with a significant variation between some of the districts. Approximately 84% of antimicrobials were administered intramammarily, 13-14% by injection and 1-2% orally. Scenario analyses were performed to assess the effect of changes in some of the defined daily dose (DDDjp) values used to calculate the ATI. Our results revealed that the calculated ATI is considerably affected by the changes in the long-acting factor used for assigning the DDDjp values of intramammary products for dry cows and the way in which DDD values are assigned for combination products.
antimicrobial treatment incidence (ATI),antimicrobial use,defined daily dose (DDD),dry cow therapy (DCT),mastitis
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