
Analysis of the Effects of Development of the Transit Area on Pedestrians at Poris Plawad

IOP conference series Earth and environmental science(2022)

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Abstract The development of the transit area in Poris Plawad is one of the government’s attempts in solving this issue. This implementation consists of construction plans that aim to increase the population of the area. This research aims to analyze the movement of pedestrians to and from the station and provide a recommendation of possible improvement in several aspects of the area’s services. In this research, the pedestrian facilities’ level of service (LOS) will be the standard reference to define how appropriate the facilities are. The Poris Plawad pedestrian area is categorized as LOS E and LOS F, thus needing improvements. The safety and serviceability of the pedestrian area also need to be evaluated as there are no sidewalks to be found. This research uses Vissim 11 as the leading software for the modelling of the system. The modelling made in this software will be used to compare actual field conditions with the behaviour of the model. The RSME value of the model is below 10%, which means that the model correctly represents its actual conditions. The author then implements several solutions to the existing condition and future conditions of the development area. The solutions for the existing conditions are building sidewalks and pelican crossings for the main road to decrease safety hazards. This increases the safety factors of the existing condition. The future condition will have an increased amount of pedestrians and a modified TOD layout plan. The solution for this is to make a design solely for pedestrians with full attention to their safety and comfort.
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