Numerical methods for collaborative workspace of multi-space-robot system


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Aiming at the application scenarios where it may be difficult for a single space robot to perform independently during on-orbit serving process in the future, a multi-space-robot serving system was designed. However, collaborative workspace of multi-space-robot system has rarely been studied. Considering that workspace is very difficult to calculate with analytical method, a numerical calculation method was proposed for ordinary collaborative workspace based on Monte Carlo method. Furthermore, aiming at the particularity of space robot collaboration, the concept of generalized collaborative workspace was proposed, and a numerical solution method was presented. The simulation results show that the attitude constraint of the base causes reduction of collaborative workspace. Moreover, the scope of the generalized collaborative workspace is obviously larger than the general one. The conclusions can provide quantitative basis for space robot task design and planning.
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Key words
space robot,collaborative workspace,Monte Carlo method,screw theory,kinematical modelling
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