
Size Exclusion Chromatography Using Large Pore Size Media Induces Adverse Conformational Changes of Inactivated Foot-and-mouth Disease Virus Particles.

Journal of Chromatography A(2022)

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Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) of biomacromolecules using large pore size media and long column are usually necessary to obtain a satisfactory separation. However, the SEC separation of inactivated foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) was found to induce some subtle but important conformational changes of FMDV in a pore-size and column length dependent manner. Here three Sephacryl media including S300 HR, S-40 0 HR, and S-50 0 HR were tested, whose pore sizes were smaller than, similar to, and larger than the FMDV particles, respectively. High performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) analyses showed that the FMDV after all these three SEC processes had earlier retention time, compared with that before SEC, but had no detectable difference in particle integrity. Longer SEC column led to more significant peak shifting in subsequent HPSEC analysis of FMDV. Further analyses indicated the SEC using larger pore size media induced more remarkable conformational changes and decrease in thermostability of FMDV, as well as decrease in immunogenicity in animal test. Fluorescence probe diffusion study suggested compared to SEC by S300, the compactness of the viral capsid after SEC by S40 0 and S50 0 was decreased, possibly due to more shear-induced FMDV particle rotation and inter-particle collision inside the media pores, as well as their interactions with the pore walls of the media during flowing through the column. Finally, a stabilization strategy by appending 5 mM CaCl 2 in mobile phase of SEC separation was proposed and proved to efficiently maintain the conformation of the FMDV.(c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Size exclusion chromatography,FMDV,Pore size,Conformational change,Stability
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