
Rapid Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide Gas at Ambient Humidity Based on Nafion-High-Field Asymmetric Waveform Ion Mobility Spectrometry Technology

Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry(2022)

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High- field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry(FAIMS)is a fast and sensitive field detection technology, but the detection of polar substances using FAIMS is easily affected by humidity. Based on that nafion tube could selectively and quickly filter water gas, a nafion- FAIMS technology was proposed for rapid detection of environmental hydrogen sulfide(H2S)gas under ambient humidity in this work. The self- made nafion-FAIMS device was used to study the stability of nafionFAIMS in detection of H2S under different humidity conditions, the separation and identification ability of H2S in the presence of typical environmental interferents, the linearity and the detection limit. The results showed that when the relative humidity was 5%-50%, the relative standard deviations(RSDs)of peak position and peak height of H2S spectrum were less than 0.4% and 0.2%, respectively, which were 10 times and 250 times smaller than that of single FAIMS, showing high recognition and quantitative stability. When the dispersion voltage was 1200 V, the relative deviation of peak height and peak position between benzene and H2S mixed gas spectrum and single substance were only 0.7% and 2%, indicating the adaptability of nafion- FAIMS to mixture detection. The signal linearity reached 98% in the H2S concentration range of 0.08-0.46 mg/m(3), and the detection limit was 0.04 mg/m(3).
Hydrogen sulfide,High-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry,Humidity,Field detection
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