
Abstract 241: Length Of Hospital Stay Is Lessened In Patients That Present With Chest Pain When Serial Troponins Are Measured Every Three Hours Compared To Every Six Hours

Andrew Grees,Garry G Lachhar,Elnaz Mahbub,Kathryn Saxby,Anita Kim,Meghan Beard, Ananna Kazi, Katie Lamar,Andrew Melek, Raj Joshi, Mariana Lubrano Lavadera,John P Reilly

Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes(2022)

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Troponins have close to 100% sensitivity when drawn 6 to 12 hours after the start of chest pain in acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Length of hospital stay (LOS) is a marker of efficient hospital management. Since troponin measurements at 3 (Q3H) and 6-hour (Q6H) intervals have comparable efficacy for ACS, we suggest considering Q3H troponins as opposed to Q6H in chest pain admissions to shorten LOS. A retrospective review of 389 patients who presented to Stony Brook Southampton Hospital in 2020 and 2021 with chest pain was conducted. Two patient care strategies were examined, one involved collecting troponins Q6H and the other Q3H. 319 patients with the Q6H strategy were analyzed and 61.1% were ruled in for ACS. For the Q3H strategy, 70 patients were analyzed in which 42.9% were ruled in for ACS. LOS was defined as hours between triage and submission of discharge instructions. A two-sample t-test was performed to find correlation between frequency of troponins and LOS. A two-sample t-test assuming unequal variance was conducted to compare LOS in hours between Q6H and Q3H strategies. There was a significant difference in LOS for Q6H (M = 123, SD = 201) and Q3H (M = 66, SD = 135) troponins; t = 2.91, p = 0.002. These results suggest that LOS is lessened when troponin intervals are shorter. The variance was elevated (40249,18343), possibly due to patients who stayed longer for other needs, but mean LOS and standard deviation remained decreased both when excluding patients that stayed longer than one week, and when including all patients in the analysis. Optimizing LOS has a variety of benefits. In patients with chest pain, shortening the interval of troponin collection can lessen LOS. Studies of comparable efficacy of shorter troponin intervals in evaluation of ACS have led to the practice of trending at Q3H intervals in Europe. Our study demonstrates that trending troponins Q3H is viable in a community hospital in the United States and should be further investigated and considered in the future.
serial troponins,chest pain,hospital stay,patients
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