
Siklofosfamid Kaynaklı Toksisite Üzerine Salvia Virgata Jacq'ın Hematoprotektif Ve Antioksidan Etkilerinin Araştırılması

Iğdır üniversitesi fen bilimleri enstitüsü dergisi (Online)(2022)

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The present study aims to investigate hematoprotective and antioxidant effects of Salvia virgata (SV) on Cyclophosphamide (CP)-induced toxicity. The rats were divided into 6 groups of 7 members each. These were the Control group, CP Group (150 mg kg-1), 100 and 200 mg kg-1 SV Groups, and CP+100 and CP+200 mg kg-1 SV Groups. All the rats were sacrificed to harvest their blood and bone marrow samples the day after final injections. While some of the blood samples were used for leukocyte and platelet count, the others were used to determine the levels of total antioxidant capacity (TAC), malondialdehyde (MDA), total oxidant status (TOS), glutathione (GSH), and oxidative stress index (OSI). While a decrease was observed in the leukocyte, platelet and bone-marrow nucleated cell counts of the group given CP, apart from a decline in GSH and TAC levels, the MDA and TOC levels of the rats in this group showed an increase. In contrast, CP-induced oxidative stress and myelosuppression reversed in the combined SV Groups (CP+100 and 200 mg kg-1 of SV Groups), although the reversal in the latter group was of more significance. Our experimental results have shown that SV may exert antioxidant and cytoprotective effects upon CP-related peripheral blood and bone marrow toxicities.
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