Room and High-Temperature Study of Rare Earth Chalcogenides

Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics(2022)

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Phase transformation analysis of ScS and ScSe, including temperature effects, is reported in this investigation.The theoretical exploration by means of the Realistic Interaction Potential Approach (RIPA) model is carried out.A volume collapse occurs in the transition phenomena.This transformation is described in a high-temperature range of 0-900 K.The consequences of this investigation demonstrate generally very good agreement with the available reports.In addition, the elastic behavior and pressure derivatives are premeditated.The performance of bulk modulus for the present compounds as a function of temperature and pressure is accounted for.Innovation estimates are made for the elastic assets of the current compounds.Various moduli of elasticity of these compounds are reported with temperature as well as pressure variations.The temperature and pressure behavior of the present compounds is in good agreement with the previously published results.This study confirms the phase transformation from NaCl to the CsCl structure of these compounds.
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Key words
rare earth chalcogenides,high-temperature high-temperature
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