
Histopathology, Coprology and Bacteriological Survey of Tilapia Fish in Jos Plateau State, Nigeria

Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences(2022)

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Background: Tilapia fish is commonly consumed in Jos metropolis of Plateau State Nigeria.Consequently, consumers are potentially exposed to harmful chemicals or they can be infected by pathogenic organisms such as bacteria or parasites of zoonotic importance, if such fish are farmed in a contaminated environments. Aim:The study was carried out to assess the histopathology, coprology and bacteriology of apparently healthy tilapia.Results: Our parasitological findings revealed 29 (58%) of the 50 intestinal samples examined had at least one intestinal parasite, two parasites were seen in 4 (8%) and no parasites were observed in 17 (34%) of the samples.Some of the parasites found include Eimeria vanasi, eggs of Dipylidium caninum, eggs of Taenia spp, Ascaris lumbricoides, eggs of Schistosoma spp and so on.Microbiological analyses of the 50 gill samples indicated the presence of Aeromonas spp in 35 (75%) of the examined samples, followed by Bacillus spp 13 (26%) and Proteus 2 (4%).The following bacterial pathogens were found in the intestinal samples: Aeromonas spp 15 (30%), Escherichia coli 33 (66%) and 2 (4%) were Proteus spp. Conclusion:The heavy load of parasites (Taenia and Ascaris spp) and bacteria (Escherichia coli) found in this study established the presence of pathogens of zoonotic relevance and serious veterinary and public health concerns in tilapia fish without gross and histopathological lesions.It is imperative that fish farmers adhere to biosecurity/biosafety measures by improving management and sanitary conditions in fish farms.Additionally, fish consumers should roast or properly cook the fish in order to inactivate or eliminate harmful pathogens before consumption.Public awareness should be supported so as to emphasize the importance of these microorganisms to the health of the fish, man and his environment.
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