Current and Innovated Managements for Autoimmune Bullous Skin Disorders: an Overview

Journal of Clinical Medicine(2022)

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Autoimmune bullous skin disorders are a group of disorders characterized by the formation of numerous blisters and erosions on the skin and/or the mucosal membrane, arising from autoantibodies against the intercellular adhesion molecules and the structural proteins. They can be classified into intraepithelial or subepithelial autoimmune bullous dermatoses based on the location of the targeted antigens. These dermatoses are extremely debilitating and fatal in certain cases, depending on the degree of cutaneous and mucosal involvement. Effective treatments should be implemented promptly. Glucocorticoids serve as the first-line approach due to their rapid onset of therapeutic effects and remission of the acute phase. Nonetheless, long-term applications may lead to major adverse effects that outweigh the benefits. Hence, other adjuvant therapies are mandatory to minimize the potential harm and ameliorate the quality of life. Herein, we summarize the current therapeutic strategies and introduce promising therapies for intractable autoimmune bullous diseases.
autoimmune bullous dermatoses,pemphigus vulgaris,pemphigus foliaceus,IgA pemphigus,paraneoplastic pemphigus,bullous pemphigoid,epidermolysis bullosa acquisita,mucous membrane pemphigoid,dermatitis herpetiformis
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