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The Role of miR-217-5p in the Puromycin Aminonucleoside-Induced Morphological Change of Podocytes

Osamu Ishibashi, Mika Hayashi,Aya Horikawa, Hitoshi Owada, Ryotaro Miyamoto, Naoya Mizukami,Takashi Inui


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Podocytes, alternatively called glomerular epithelial cells, are terminally differentiated cells that wrap around glomerular capillaries and function as a part of the glomerular filtration barrier in the kidney. Therefore, podocyte injury with morphological alteration and detachment from glomerular capillaries leads to severe proteinuria and subsequent renal failure through glomerulosclerosis. Previous RNA sequencing analysis of primary rat podocytes exposed to puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN), a well-known experimental model of injured podocytes, identified several transcripts as being aberrantly expressed. However, how the expression of these transcripts is regulated remains unclear. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that posttranscriptionally inhibit the expression of their target transcripts. In this study, using small RNA sequencing analysis, miR-217-5p was identified as the most upregulated transcript in PAN-treated rat podocytes. MiR-217-5p overexpression in E11 podocyte cells led to shrunken cells with abnormal actin cytoskeletons. Consistent with these changes in cell morphology, gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis showed that interactive GO terms related to cell morphogenesis were enriched with the predicted targets of miR-217-5p. Of the predicted targets highly downregulated by PAN, Myosin 1d (Myo1d) is a nonmuscle myosin predicted to be involved in actin filament organization and thought to play a role in podocyte morphogenesis and injury. We demonstrated that miR-217-5p targets Myo1d by luciferase assays, qRT-PCR, and Western blotting. Furthermore, we showed that miR-217-5p was present in urine from PAN- but not saline-administrated rats. Taken together, our data suggest that miR-217-5p may serve as a therapeutic target and a biomarker for podocyte injury.
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Key words
micoRNA,podocyte,puromycin aminonucleoside,RNA-seq,actin cytoskeleton
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